August Andelhof, Elégie pour orchestre

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August Andelhof (1882-1947) was a native of Turnhout and took lessons at the conservatories of Antwerp and Brussels. As conductor of the Théâtre Royal de la Monnaie in Brussels, Andelhof was involved in the foundation of the N.I.R./I.N.R. in 1930: he was a member of the music committee. From time to time he also conducted the Great Symphony Orchestra that was founded in 1935.

It is therefore not surprising that several compositions by Andelhof are present in the BOO collection. One of the oldest works from BOO is this Elégie pour orchestre. An elegy is a lament or a mourning song. It often focuses on a deceased loved one. The elegy has no fixed form, but its sad and lamenting character is typical.

The title page of this Elégie pour orchestre bears the dark blue stamp of the N.I.R./I.N.R. and the duration of the piece is also indicated: 5 minutes. The score itself has performance instructions in red and blue pencil.

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